Asian Myrmecology: Home


A peer-reviewed, online-only journal dedicated to the study of Asian ants. Articles are published continuously, immediately upon final acceptance. Asian Myrmecology publishes original research papers on ants in or from Asia, or with regional or global importance. All areas of modern ant research are covered, including:

- Taxonomy
- Biogeography
- Ecology
- Behaviour
- Life-history
- Ethology
- Genetics
- Conservation evaluation
- Applied myrmecology

New! ISI Impact factor 2023 is 1.3; 5 year IF = 1.0

ASIAN MYRMECOLOGY is listed at ISI Web of Knowledge, CAB ABSTRACTS, SCOPUS and in OVID PS (Biological Abstracts) issued by Wolters Kluver.

Free access to content of all volumes including online first papers!

ASIAN MYRMECOLOGY is published by the International Network for the Study of Asian Ants, ANeT. Through publishing this journal we seek to realize one of the major aims of ANeT: to support those in the younger generation who will develop myrmecology and contribute to biodiversity conservation in Asia. We eagerly await contributions from students and beginners as well as established professionals. ASIAN MYRMECOLOGY publishes high quality original research, which follows ethical guidelines.

Please note that Asian Myrmecology has switched to an e-number system from issue 9. Each article will be citable via issue and e-number (e.g. Asian Myrmecology 9:e009002). Each article will also be assigned a unique DOI number and all articles have standard page numbers of 1…x.

If you're interested in publishing in ASIAN MYRMECOLOGY, please read our Guidelines for Authors and the Submission. AND ... dear authors, please note that we are absolutely non-profit and that all editors earn nothing for their contributions! We all have to work hard as doctors, lecturers, professors, researchers and teachers so please don't push us for a deadline. Articles will be published online in their final form as soon as accepted and proofed.

Call for Contributions


New! Online first:

AMe01 title

Current Volume:

AM15 title

last modified 05/February/2022
designed by Arlec Chang