Asian Myrmecology: Archive - Volume 15
DOI: 10.20362/am.016004
Asian Myrmecology 16: 016004 (1-14)
article first published online: 23/February/2023
Use of trophic eggs at colony founding in the queen-foraging ant, Manica yessensis
Colony founding queens of the ant, Manica yessensis Azuma, 1955, forage outside the nest to retrieve insect prey. During colony foundation, they also lay trophic eggs in addition to reproductive eggs that give rise to larvae. Thus, colony foundation to produce the first workers in this species is based concurrently on retrieved prey and trophic eggs. Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine how these two types of nutrition function for maturation of the first workers. Thirty foundresses were divided into three groups that had different food regimens, and that were compared in regard to outcomes of brood production. The results suggest that trophic eggs are sufficient for larval cohorts to reach the final instar stage (4th instar), but further maturation requires additional food, which is supplied from outside the nest. Therefore, new queens of M. yessensis use a blended strategy with trophic
foundress, semi-clausral, Mt. Fuji, Japan
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1Biological Laboratory, Senshu University, 2-1-1 Higashimita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, 214-8580 Japan
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